
Windows Live OneCare has changed to Microsoft Security Essentials

This post is mostly for my family, since I am the official family computer geek, with my daughter Kate as the Heir Apparent.  Before we start talking about MSSE (Microsoft Security Essentials), let me declare my biases.

  1. I have been using mostly Ubuntu for about a year, but I admit that for my family and non-geek friends, Windows is the way to go.
  2. My wife Kim and I both ended up with new Toshiba laptops about 1 1/2 years ago. And, when we did this, we ended up with Vista which works OK. To secure them, I decided at the time to go with Windows Live OneCare (WLOC)
  3. I am pissed at all the various flavours of Norton. I think it is too expensive, plus I have seen at least three case of computers which appear to run really really slow because of Norton
  4. Like I said, WLOC has been installed for over a year on two computers at home, and so far so good.
  5. About two weeks ago, I bought a new Vista computer for my Dad, and decided to install CA Internet Security, which has also succeed in pissing me off in record time. For one thing, I left it to do a scan for over 48 hours, and it had still not finished. WTF!
So, of the Windows Security products I have had hands-on with, so far WLOC has pissed me off the least. It integrates well with Vista, as well as successfully keeping adware and viruses off of both my machine, and more importantly my wifes machine.  That is, for both a geek and a non-geek, it has exhibited a sufficient degree of easy-to-use, and enough control and info. I will say, as far as being a useful backup solution, it is completely lacking, but I was looking at it for adware and virus - and it seems to do that.
    So, I think MSSE is worth a try. It claims to give you:

    • Comprehensive malware protection
    • Simple, free download*
    • Automatic updates
    • Easy to use

    Hey - sounds good to me - stay tuned -  I will by trying this when the WLOC subscriptions are up. And like I said, to my dear family - if you are on - the next time your AV software wants money, I am on for helping you try to switch to free.

    1 comment:

    1. Just a couple quick notes...

      - Grampa's computer is Windows 7 and its security features are really irritating.

      -CA has also pissed me off in record time, preventing me from installing/running reputable software and givign no reason or solution.

      -Yes, both Norton and McAfee are complete wastes of time and money.

      -heheh I'll never be able to fill your shoes as GeekLord ;) But maybe Rick (for non-family: my geeky, comp-sci, comms-techy boyfriend) will stand in for me when I feel the need to repress inappropriate language!

